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Notice of the General Meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP)国际古地理学会会员大会会议通知

Source:胡琳Updated:Aug 26,202392

Dear All Members,in order to discuss the development of the Society, a general meeting of ISP is tentatively scheduled at 2:30 pm (Beijing time) on Saturday, September 23, 2023, and members can arrange a time to attend the meeting.

Time: At 2:30-3:30 pm, Saturday, September 23, 2023,  (Beijing time)

Venue: Mainly online(Video platform and meeting link remains undecided, please pay attention to the notice by ISP) with an offline meeting room in China University of Petrolem(Beijing)


1 Consider the report on the work of the Council (15 minutes);

2 Consider the finacial report of Council(5 minutes);

3 Elect governing unit or vice chairman(25 minutes);

4 Consider and adopt the scheme of fees and fee standard (15 minutes).





1. 审议理事会的工作报告(15分钟);

2. 审议理事会的财务报告(5分钟);

3. 选举理事(确定理事单位或副理事长)(25分钟);

4. 审议、通过会费收费方案和收费标准(15分钟)。