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Notice of the Council Meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP)国际古地理学会理事会会议通知

Source:胡琳Updated:Aug 26,2023120

All council Members, the council member meeting by ISP is provisionally arranged at 4:00 pm on Saturday, Spetember 23, 2023. Please spare your time to attend the metting.

Time: 4:00-6:00 pm, Saturday, September 23, 2023

Venue: Mainly online(Video plantform and meeting link remains undecided, please pay attention to the notice by ISP) with an offline meeting room in China University of Petrolem(Beijing)


1 Review the establishment plan of the Professional Committee (Working Group) of ISP(20 minutes);

2 Review the establishment plan of the Executive Committee of the Council of ISP(10 minutes);

3 Review the appointment program for the Deputy Secretary General of ISP and the main heads of the professional committees(working groups), who need to be nominated by the Secretary General(30 minutes);

4 Review management system of ISP(20 minutes);

5 Review the annual work plans of the Secretariat and professional committees (working groups) (20 minutes);

6 Collect suggestions for the construction and development of ISP(20 minutes).





1. 审议学会专业委员会(工作组)设立方案(20分钟);

2. 审议学会理事会执行委员会设置方案(10分钟);

3. 审议学会副秘书长、专业委员会(工作组)主要负责人聘任方案——由秘书长提名(30分钟);

4. 审议通过学会相关管理制度(20分钟);

5. 审议秘书处及各专业委员会(工作组)年度工作计划(20分钟);

6. 征集学会建设与发展建议(20分钟)。